Friday, October 12, 2007

Aliens in Iquique!!!

On September 19th there were calls reported to the police station. These calls were unusual because some people told the police they had seen strange objects flying over the coast of Iquique. The police didn’t publish these rare calls because they thought it was a prank. Also, this news didn’t reach the public because people were celebrating September 18th, so they thought some people just had too much to drink. So was it real? Did people see strange objects flying in the sky? Was Iquique visited by these rare beings?

The first sightings of these strange creatures were reported in Mexico. In the ‘50s, an object, like the form of a plate, crashed in a place known as Area 51. Aliens are feared because we do not know anything about them, and also because they do not look like us. They are different in a weird, creepy way. So, did these extraterrestrial beings visit Iquique the night of September 19th? They did and not only flew over the city, but landed.

These flying objects were seen by Juan de la Fuente, an old inhabitant of the city. He has pictures of these beings walking on the beach and a video tape of the UFO flying over Playa Brava beach. So it is true, Iquique was visited by these mysterious beings.

Only a few people had the privilege to see these spaceships up close. They said it was a wonderful experience because it is something that had never happened in Iquique. Now they have a fantastic story to tell to their grandchildren.

So it is real, extraterrestrial beings came and were seen in Iquique. Scientists and investigators came from all over the world and stated this event as a true extraterrestrial case. Now Iquique is officially a city visited by Aliens. So, you have to open your mind, because your home might be their next stop.

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