Friday, May 18, 2007

Dear Eli.

Dear Eli:
I just broke up with my girlfriend and I am really sad, We had been together for 2 years now. One day I went to her house and I found her with another guy so what was I supposed to do? I had to break up with her. Now I am feeling really lonely and even though she cheated on me I still love her and need her very much. Do you think I will look like a fool if I ask her to get back together? What can I do? Is she a bad person what do you think? LOVER BOY.
Dear Lover Boy:
What happened to you is really sad but even if it hurts you need to let go. If she cheated on you once she will cheat on you again, you know what they say “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” Just try to do some of the things you used to do when you two weren’t together, try to entertain yourself in another way and time will pass quickly. After some time you will realize this was the best decision. Good luck!

Dear Eli:
My best friend told me she wanted to commit suicide, at first I just laughed about it but now I think she was serious, She is depressed and I am worried about her. We are roommates and I don’t want anything bad to happen to her. A friend told me that suicides never say that they will kill themselves but I don’t think she is lying because I have seen her crying desesperately and asking for help. Once she told me that all of her pain will end when she is gone. I really don’t know what to do. She is a person who likes to have all the attention on her so I don’t know if it is right to tell her parents or take her to see an specialist. Please help! THE GOOD FRIEND.
Dear good friend:
What you are telling me it’s awful, once I had a roommate who tried to commit suicide, but luckily her parents were able to help her before she did. I think you should call her parents right away and tell them what is going on. If your roommate is really thinking about committing suicide the best thing a friend can do is help her. Her parents will know what to do and they will ask for help.

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