Sunday, December 2, 2007


More than fifty femicide cases in the current year; more than two hundred thousand abortions per year, seventy three percent of Chilean children are victims of violence by their own parents. Pamela Pizarro, victim of bullying, who ended up comitting suicide, Columbine’s masaccre, and the student whose classmates wrote with a knife on his back the word “homo”, just because he was fan of “Queen” and Freddy Mercury.

These are just some of the cases that have violence as a common factor. It’s because of this increasing and more explicit violence that I wanted to know a little bit more about why are humans so violent.

Since Darwin many scientists have tried to explain the violence from the evolution point of view. Lorenz suggested that it was a natural instinct, a genetic heritage of apes. Recently studies have proved that even among apes, aggressiveness can’t be seen as a mere instinct. Sometimes fights among these animals are avoided, offering food to the other or just ignoring him. For apes, violence is just an option to solve conflict, not the only one.

Not everyone can control rage in the same degree. This is because the brain structure predisposes the person to violence, it doesn’t mean that a person is born aggressive, but it’s that the combination of genetics and experiences, that creates the brain structure to regulate our impulses and aggressive reactions.
Scientist say that “aggressiveness” is proper for animals because they only fight to survive, and their fights rarely end in death, they have a lot of self control, they don’t look for blood, but honor and victory, and it’s no honor if the fighters die or remains hurt to die later anyway ; while “violence” is exclusively human.

There are many categories for aggressiveness in animals, here are the three ones that are being more commonly imitated by humans

Instrumental aggressiveness: The tendency to repeat the aggression when it has been tolerated by the victim and it had a desired result.
This conduct is being seen more frequently in our country against women, many cases end up in femicides. The aggressor realizes that the woman stands by his side, docile, and keeps with the aggression.

Maternal aggressiveness: Which is directed to anything that represent danger for the offspring, and also the aggressiveness from mother to children, which is an anomalous behaviour because it is supposed to exist an inhibition on youngs, to avoid mother devore them as a prey.

Although, lack of space, lack of vitamins or hormones, even malformation on young could lead mothers to mistreat or kill their offspring.
This strange behaviour could be compared to the ones that human mothers have with their own children, refering to abortions, abuse, abandoning, and mistreatment.

Aggressiveness to the foreign: It’s common that every species reserve a special aggression to strangers. When a foreign animals gets close, herd is aware. This foreigner represents danger for young, female, territory, and food, so he would be isolated.
This is what has been called bullying, seen so many times on the news in our country and all around the world. Students have the same reaction as animals with new classmates, who are discriminated because of his look. It doesn’t matter if he/she is beautiful or ugly, thin or fat, what matters is that he is the new one, the different one, so he has to tolerate everyting to like the class.
Many species include in this concept of “different”, to the sick, weak, and old animals, who are systematically attacked by their own herd; this also is terribly imitated by humans, when we send our old people to a home or mistreat them because they are not as active or useful as before.

To have certain explanation of what aggressiveness is, or where it comes from doesn’t allow or justify the shameful behaviour of our kind. Aggressiveness is an instinct given to our self defense, not to mistreat or kill ourselves, even animals control more than us. I say involution would be the solution, but scientists say that involution doesn’t exist, but how can we improve our behaviour?, maybe the solution is evolution, but I think we are going to evolve when we die and a new kind could learn to live better than us. What do you think?

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