Friday, September 14, 2007

Own Patriotic Week news letter

In the next two weeks we will celebrate another anniversary of own Chilean Independence. many people are so glad because this activity will last for about five days, so people can rest for a long time.

Many families from Arica to Punta Arenas are organizing their weekend celebration, which isn’t unnoticed this year, because the Chilean congress also approved next Monday September 17th as a holiday, so this means that we will have approximately five days to eat, drink and celebrate the anniversary of our independence. On the other hand, Patriotic families celebrate from the 1st day of September. They use to put the chilean flag on the facade of their homes, also they start to listen to Chilean folkloré like “la cueca”, and from the last days of August begin to plan some their celebration: how many pounds of meat they need, how many empanadas they will cook, and how many litres of “chicha” they will need (Chicha: A chilean drink makes with grapes). Within each of these families, there are the little children which begin to play with the “trompo”, “emboque”, and of course, they go fly kites, These games are so fun that adults also join children’s entertaiment.

In addition, among the Chilean people there are the “Fonderos”, who organized everything the whole year in their “Fondas” (Fondas: A stand where people sell chicha, empanadas, and so on) for the Independence Day, They along with their whole family, become zombies because they work all day long without sleeping, They are just worried about selling their foods and giving excellent service to their customers so the customers leave the “fondas” so satisfied with full stomachs and wishing to come back to this nice and fonda.

Many people are so happy for this holiday week because they will rest and will return to their activities with enthusiasm, but I ask myself; can people rest? They must have in mind the following: To organize this celebration takes almost 3 days; some people have to borrow a loan at the bank in order to buy everything they need; these activities give people a little headache; another problem is going to the supermarket the same day of celebration, so this place is crowded with thousands of people and they have to wait more than 1 hour in a line beside the check-out counter, Then, when finally they buy everything and go to the supermarket parking they have another problem, because the parking is full of cars that want to enter and exist, so people have to wait more time and from that moment chileans are angry and start to wir that this holiday week would pass faster.

I think for many people their days of “rest” will be full of a lot of stress, in addittionm some people will go bankrupt this month, But don’t worry about it, because we aren’t the only ones who will be in this situation, all of our country will have these same problems, so relax and enjoy this Independence day.

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